The story of adopting a new kitten into a home with a 3 year old female GSD!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 6


So far, everything has been going really well. Andy has turned out to be the best kitten ever -- full of spunk, curiosity, confidence and love. He's so cute there needs to be a new word for him. Cutastic, as one of my friends said. As you can see, he loves harassing me while I'm on the computer.

He's getting along with Maddy better than I expected. I thought I'd have to wait 2 weeks to introduce them, but Andy kept darting out of his room, and he went straight to Maddy and has been harassing her ever since. That was Friday, the day after I brought him home! Here's a sweet video of them hanging . . .

When I picked him up, I felt bad separating him from his mommy and sister. But the minute we got in the car he started playing with a ball in his carrier, and doing this . . .


He is a champ at the litter box -- we even slept at my friend's house last night and he was perfectly fine. He sleeps with me and doesn't wake up at all through the night, though the first night I left him in his room, but felt really guilty, because he had never been alone before, but he was so tired he had no idea. I just didn't want to freak him out too much the first day meeting Maddy.

He's OK at eating. We have a vet appt tomorrow, and hopefully we will resolve his pickey-ness and penchant for Maddy's food!

1 comment:

  1. so how are they going these days ? im about to get an abysinian as a besty for my 6 month old german shepherd which is how I stumbled across this blog :) should be interesting! hopefully they get on as well as ur pets do!
